Executive Members Delegation Scheme


Each individual member of the Executive has the following responsibilities and powers:


1.         Developing a detailed understanding of the services which fall within their area of responsibility, and accounting to full Council for them (see Council Procedure Rules 2.3(x), 2.4, 9 and 10).


2.         Working with the appropriate Chief Officer(s) to develop policy proposals for submission to the Executive (and subsequently to the Council if they relate to, or are intended to form part of, the policy framework approved by Council).


3.         To authorise consultation on proposed new policies/policy changes.


4.         To approve proposals for service development which relate to individual services, do not have wider implications for other County Council services and are consistent with the budget and policy framework.


5.         To make a formal response on behalf of the County Council, following appropriate consultation, to any White Papers, Green Papers, Government Consultation Papers or other consultative document where it is appropriate that the response should be a member response.


6.         In respect of grant or other external funding:


(a)        Following consultation with the relevant Corporate Director and the Corporate Director – Strategic Resources, to authorise the submission of bids for grant or other external funding in excess of £100,000; and


(b)        Following consultation with the relevant Corporate Director, the Corporate Director – Strategic Resources and the Assistant Chief Executive (Legal and Democratic Services) to authorise the Corporate Director – Strategic Resources to accept any offer of grant or other external funding in excess of £100,000 in line with the requirements of paragraph 8.4 of the Financial Procedure Rules;


subject, in all cases, to the implications for the Council being consistent with the budget and policy framework, and subject also to the requirements of the Financial Procedure Rules in relation to Partnerships and Accountable Bodies at Rule 8.0 et seq.


7.         Following consultation with the relevant Corporate Director and with the approval of the Corporate Director – Strategic Resources, to authorise the disposal of any asset(s) for which the estimated disposal value is greater than £10,000 but less than £100,000 (NB this excludes land and buildings ie “property” – please see the specific delegations to the Executive Member for Central ServicesDeputy Leader in relation to property matters, set out below).


8.         To receive reports from scrutiny reviews; to report to the Executive about such reviews (in the light also of Overview and Scrutiny Committee views) and to authorise such action in respect of those reviews as the Executive may direct.


9.         To determine any action required following assessments of outcomes against standards and targets set out in Service Performance Plans.


10.       Representing North Yorkshire County Council on outside or joint bodies which are relevant to their area of responsibility.


11.       [Not used]


12.       The power to approve changes to children’s centre provision (where no objections are received) is allocated to the appropriate Executive Member.


13.       To authorise non-recovery of overpayments in respect of amounts of £5,000 and above.


14.       After consultation with the relevant Chief Officer to determine any Executive matter which is of such urgency that it is not practicable to refer it to the Executive for determination.


15.       The Executive Member for Corporate Services, Finance, Performance Management and ProcurementDeputy Leader (or in his/her temporary absence such other member of the Executive as he/she may nominate) has the following specific responsibilities and powers in relation to property set out, in accordance with the Council’s Property Procedure Rules.:


(a)        To approve the acquisition of property (other than by lease or licence or other agreement for a rent or licence fee or other annual payment or by option) where the acquisition is £1,000,000 or less in value.


(b)        To approve the acquisition of property by lease or licence or other agreement for a rent or licence fee or other annual payment where the annual rent or fee is £100,000 or less.


(c)        To approve the exercise of any option within the limits set for leases in Property Procedure Rule 6.1.4(b) or the limits set for other Property Contracts in Property Procedure Rule 6.1.3(b).


(d)        To approve redeployments of property (other than for disposal) not held by the Council on a lease or licence, of £1,000,000 or less in value.


(e)        To approve redeployments of property (other than for disposal) held by the Council on a lease or licence where the annual rent or fee is £100,000 or less.


(f)        Subject to Rule 8.1.4 of the Property Procedure Rules (disposals of property at undervalue), to approve the disposal of property (other than by lease or licence or other agreement for a rent or licence fee or other annual payment) of £1,000,000 or less in value.


(g)        Subject to Rule 8.1.4 of the Property Procedure Rules (disposals of property at undervalue), to approve the disposal of property by lease or licence or other agreement for a rent or licence fee or other annual payment where the annual rent or fee or other annual payment is £75,000 or less


(h)        To approve any release or variation of restrictive covenants up to £1,000,000 in value.


(i)         To approve disposals of property at undervalue in accordance with the maximum market values and undervalue thresholds as set out in Property Procedure Rule 8.1.4.


16.       The Executive Member with responsibility for Stronger Communities (or in his/her temporary absence the Leader) has the power to determine County Councillor Locality Budget grant recommendations.